Bigbird's Double Dutch Quiz
Bigbird on 09/02/2008
I am constantly in awe watching Double Dutchers. This year, Double Dutch is slated to become a varsity sport in the NYC public schools, so I figured it was time I learned more about the sport.
Quiz Leaderboard
Player: | Level: | % Correct: | Time to Complete: | |
1 | Wroadie | 238 | 100.00% | 774.12 seconds |
2 | Osuzannacollage | 132 | 90.00% | 231.16 seconds |
3 | Shmoopie | 12 | 80.00% | 119.52 seconds |
4 | Slomoshun00 | 22 | 80.00% | 158.78 seconds |
5 | Kaufman | 263 | 80.00% | 195.61 seconds |
6 | Poetical | 18 | 80.00% | 199.92 seconds |
7 | Doughgal | 168 | 80.00% | 293.30 seconds |
8 | Tatanka | 194 | 80.00% | 385.01 seconds |
9 | Kateatebate | 234 | 70.00% | 69.41 seconds |
10 | Cjoachim | 190 | 70.00% | 88.79 seconds |
Comments (3)
Mcelfie (Level: 29.0)
Sun, 12th Jul '09 10:48 PM
That's crazy, that the netherlands isn't it the federation!
great quiz...we use to play this when I was in grammer school way beck when...LOL