How Well Do You Know the Bible?
Flcyclist on 12/10/2011
This quiz covers both the Old and the New Testaments of the Bible. Good luck!
Quiz Leaderboard
Player: | Level: | % Correct: | Time to Complete: | |
1 | Kasba22 | 198 | 90.91% | 95.08 seconds |
2 | Mholmeswv | 74 | 81.82% | 62.33 seconds |
3 | Macwil | 151 | 81.82% | 62.54 seconds |
4 | Teresaintexas | 162 | 81.82% | 78.05 seconds |
5 | Davehwll | 58 | 81.82% | 88.06 seconds |
6 | Mookiewilson | 14 | 81.82% | 93.36 seconds |
7 | Ghanthorn | 101 | 81.82% | 100.02 seconds |
8 | Mookie426 | 149 | 81.82% | 120.20 seconds |
9 | Maccamona | 37 | 81.82% | 131.24 seconds |
10 | Nlgellings | 1 | 72.73% | 66.72 seconds |
Comments (12)
Sameoldsong (Level: 63.2)
Thu, 2nd Jul '15 11:28 AM
The quiz title is how well do you know the Bible, then goes on to ask questions not in the bible!?!?
Christian art? Never heard of it...Bible please.
harder than I thought
If this quiz is supposed to be about the Bible, why are there questions about art?