Ken's Plan 9 From Outer Space Quiz
Kaufman on 10/12/2008
Welcome to the October CQ, a game for quiz takers and makers. I looked with a lot of trepidation at this category. Haven't we all already written umpteen quizzes about our umpteen favorite movies? Won't we be rehashing the same stuff over and over? How many times will we have to answer with the name of the piano player in Casablanca, or the fact that Rosebud wasn't a goldfish, or identify what the Knights Who No Longer Say Ni now say? Well, sheesh! I need to do something completely different here... Plan 9 From Outer Space has been called "the worst 10 movies of all time". That's not really fair. There are far worse movies. Heck, it's not even the worst Ed Wood movie, as anyone who's sat through Glen Or Glenda will no doubt attest. Nonetheless, it's pretty bad and deserves a lot of its reputation. This quiz will focus on some of the things that make it so memorably rancid. God help us in the future.
Quiz Leaderboard
Player: | Level: | % Correct: | Time to Complete: | |
1 | Itrollout | 65 | 100.00% | 59.54 seconds |
2 | Shmoopie | 12 | 100.00% | 117.26 seconds |
3 | Jsterling03 | 65 | 100.00% | 122.01 seconds |
4 | Sallymutant | 35 | 100.00% | 184.55 seconds |
5 | Juliearielle | 1 | 100.00% | 291.51 seconds |
6 | Sarahsaturn | 56 | 90.00% | 139.55 seconds |
7 | Trudlebug | 42 | 90.00% | 158.99 seconds |
8 | Istrum | 38 | 90.00% | 160.64 seconds |
9 | Daveguth | 246 | 90.00% | 301.92 seconds |
10 | Billkozy | 273 | 90.00% | 1160.23 seconds |
Comments (7)
Bobbsey (Level: 152.6)
Fri, 17th Aug '12 1:28 AM
Wow wanna see this one, lol
Awesome quiz! This is one of my favourite films. I even have the Criswell record!
Loved the quiz!
Now that was fun!
Brilliant!!! "Plan 9" is one of my all time
favorite movies PERIOD!!!
favorite movies PERIOD!!!