Marynuala's Movie Quiz
Marynuala on 10/16/2008
Welcome to the October CQ, a game for quiz takers and makers. There are some films that you want to watch again and again, as they never lose their charm, and seem to improve with every viewing. Here are some of my favourites, and thank you for doing my CQ.
Quiz Leaderboard
Player: | Level: | % Correct: | Time to Complete: | |
1 | Lavazza | 45 | 100.00% | 140.14 seconds |
2 | Mookie426 | 149 | 100.00% | 158.33 seconds |
3 | Apinavl | 37 | 100.00% | 311.55 seconds |
4 | Lavery76 | 74 | 100.00% | 574.21 seconds |
5 | Tedmaul | 22 | 80.00% | 99.59 seconds |
6 | Bobolicios | 115 | 80.00% | 333.78 seconds |
7 | Stemk | 64 | 80.00% | 384.67 seconds |
8 | Homeimp | 204 | 70.00% | 121.44 seconds |
9 | Spookylady | 198 | 70.00% | 122.26 seconds |
10 | Melon | 51 | 70.00% | 123.97 seconds |
Comments (4)
Schnookie (Level: 3.9)
Tue, 21st Jun '11 1:28 AM
This was tough quiz, great questions.
did not know much but thought it a great well-written quiz-thanks-Linda
Good job! Thanks!