Obscure and Not-So-Obscure Movies
Dencou1969 on 12/16/2015
Movies from the '50s and '60s that preceded the modern sci-fi movie were great entertainment, I think. Many of the themes involved post-atomic bomb type mutations, and we loved them. As a fan of the drive-in movie theater, I miss those golden days of my youth.
Quiz Leaderboard
Player: | Level: | % Correct: | Time to Complete: | |
1 | Mage | 180 | 100.00% | 334.04 seconds |
2 | Newyorkgoomba | 208 | 100.00% | 610.86 seconds |
3 | Mindmonkey | 265 | 90.00% | 154.25 seconds |
4 | Koufax | 191 | 90.00% | 184.76 seconds |
5 | Rrkr | 23 | 90.00% | 262.78 seconds |
6 | Dale0555 | 142 | 90.00% | 652.10 seconds |
7 | Albertus | 142 | 80.00% | 121.31 seconds |
8 | Dago991 | 162 | 80.00% | 123.97 seconds |
9 | Powerofhoodoo | 31 | 80.00% | 142.02 seconds |
10 | Joyce6811 | 43 | 80.00% | 185.36 seconds |
Comments (2)
Tiamat (Level: 152.7)
Wed, 16th Dec '15 10:26 PM
Most are a bit before my time but still some good ones
Ah, those wonderful flicks. They made me want to be an
astronomer until I found out astronomy was physics and math, not
telescopes and scary aliens.
astronomer until I found out astronomy was physics and math, not
telescopes and scary aliens.