Tresgatos' Archery Quiz
Tresgatos on 09/18/2008
Welcome to the September CQ, a game for quiz takers and makers. This quiz will test your knowledge of archery enthusiasts from folklore, myth, fiction and real life. Its aim is also to mimic an archer's task, only you'll be using mental strength and agility versus physical. For each question, I'll give you the name of the archer and some background information. This will function as your primary clue or 'arrow,' if you will. Your task is to use the arrow to determine three characteristics or points about each archer. Once you do, let your arrow fly! Or in other words, answer correctly, and you'll hit the bull's-eye! Have fun, and be ready to take a bow and put a feather in your cap!
Quiz Leaderboard
Player: | Level: | % Correct: | Time to Complete: | |
1 | Rsilva | 143 | 100.00% | 162.84 seconds |
2 | Teacher101 | 58 | 90.00% | 86.86 seconds |
3 | Iautah | 213 | 90.00% | 154.35 seconds |
4 | Kaufman | 263 | 90.00% | 245.42 seconds |
5 | Yanich | 227 | 90.00% | 309.73 seconds |
6 | Daveguth | 261 | 90.00% | 321.78 seconds |
7 | Apinavl | 37 | 90.00% | 583.77 seconds |
8 | Hacksaw99 | 234 | 80.00% | 206.84 seconds |
9 | Larrybus | 313 | 80.00% | 207.17 seconds |
10 | Deblaw1 | 106 | 70.00% | 91.31 seconds |
Comments (1)
Pepperdoc (Level: 152.5)
Thu, 18th Sep '08 7:12 PM
Very interesting! I learned a lot.