Wonder Woman Turns 75!
Haydn on 01/04/2016
Editor's Award Winner
This quiz has received an Editor's Award for excellent content. Only the most unique and well written quizzes are eligible for this award.
This quiz has received an Editor's Award for excellent content. Only the most unique and well written quizzes are eligible for this award.
Here's a quiz about the 75th anniversary of comicdom's first great superhero woman: Wonder Woman, who paved the way for such luminaries as Storm, Phoenix, and Rogue, among others. Have fun!
Quiz Leaderboard
Player: | Level: | % Correct: | Time to Complete: | |
1 | Rosco | 231 | 91.67% | 153.92 seconds |
2 | Burywmore | 144 | 91.67% | 154.47 seconds |
3 | Dale0555 | 142 | 91.67% | 316.11 seconds |
4 | Kimoira | 195 | 91.67% | 458.31 seconds |
5 | Raymisra | 203 | 83.33% | 134.66 seconds |
6 | Scampus | 216 | 83.33% | 280.42 seconds |
7 | Dchurchi | 95 | 83.33% | 467.44 seconds |
8 | Frivolisaurus | 21 | 75.00% | 135.57 seconds |
9 | Bumpbailey | 172 | 75.00% | 240.59 seconds |
10 | Harthur | 85 | 75.00% | 244.83 seconds |
Comments (3)
Bobbsey (Level: 152.6)
Tue, 5th Jan '16 10:14 AM
good quiz thanks
I seem to have learnt a lot about Wonder Woman and her
Awesome quiz!