You've Read The Book, Now See The Movie
Annamcc on 07/21/2016
Editor's Award Winner
This quiz has received an Editor's Award for excellent content. Only the most unique and well written quizzes are eligible for this award.
This quiz has received an Editor's Award for excellent content. Only the most unique and well written quizzes are eligible for this award.
The Oscar presentations lead up to the Best Picture Award, the most coveted of all. Let's revisit some Best Picture Oscar-winning films that were based on novels, and the books that they brought to life on the screen.
Quiz Leaderboard
Player: | Level: | % Correct: | Time to Complete: | |
1 | Whitehorse | 113 | 100.00% | 380.70 seconds |
2 | Jamesantho | 100 | 100.00% | 461.58 seconds |
3 | Dale0555 | 140 | 100.00% | 595.11 seconds |
4 | Frivolisaurus | 19 | 90.00% | 94.57 seconds |
5 | Melc | 159 | 90.00% | 115.06 seconds |
6 | Speedy1928 | 93 | 90.00% | 209.83 seconds |
7 | Keitherd | 162 | 90.00% | 237.54 seconds |
8 | Majorsue | 79 | 90.00% | 1500.05 seconds |
9 | Eddiegee1026 | 1 | 80.00% | 152.30 seconds |
10 | Cheryljoy52 | 29 | 80.00% | 159.39 seconds |
Comments (2)
Amytych (Level: 161.2)
Wed, 3rd Aug '16 11:17 AM