Allena's Winter Fun
Allena on 01/18/2009
Welcome to the January CQ, a game for quiz takers and makers. This quiz asks questions about fun in the winter. It asks questions that could also be placed in most of the Sploofus categories so it is not what you might expect. For example: Who wrote the music for the great winter song "White Christmas": Henry Mancini, Cole Porter or Irving Berlin? If you knew about the famous Russian who wrote "God Bless America", "Anything You Can Do", "There's No Business Like Show Business" and a host of Broadway hits then you can proceed with enthusiasm. Good luck!
Quiz Leaderboard
Player: | Level: | % Correct: | Time to Complete: | |
1 | Lavazza | 45 | 100.00% | 49.45 seconds |
2 | Katec810 | 21 | 80.00% | 127.12 seconds |
3 | Larrybus | 301 | 80.00% | 156.21 seconds |
4 | Koufax | 191 | 80.00% | 188.90 seconds |
5 | Cheezguyty | 50 | 70.00% | 76.67 seconds |
6 | Deblaw1 | 106 | 70.00% | 107.47 seconds |
7 | Topquality2 | 124 | 70.00% | 109.75 seconds |
8 | Garrybl | 272 | 70.00% | 124.07 seconds |
9 | Conquistador54 | 26 | 70.00% | 124.96 seconds |
10 | Francar | 92 | 70.00% | 128.01 seconds |
Comments (12)
Safril (Level: 2.3)
Sat, 18th Jul '15 11:01 PM
Question No 2 - I'll think you'll find its a summer sport invented
in England and played in the summer months. A Test Match
requires 5 days of reasonably good weather! Although it is
played in the southern hemisphere from about November to
March - that is their summer.
in England and played in the summer months. A Test Match
requires 5 days of reasonably good weather! Although it is
played in the southern hemisphere from about November to
March - that is their summer.
I guess you beat me good,4 of 10. The questions were too long, and we are always in a hurry. But: the fault is not in the stars, but in ourselves!
amazing quiz
Very challenging!!!!!!