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The Baby Boomer's Guide to the Movies I Loved!

newyorkgoombaNewyorkgoomba on 12/26/2015

Since my 1950s childhood in the City That Never Sleeps, and through the decades since, there have been films that just elicited such a strong reaction in me that they have remained in my personal pantheon of film. Some were blockbusters, some small independent films; some were comedies or satires, others were dark, moody thrillers; and there were those that I just couldn't get enough of, requiring repeated re-viewings, sometimes in rather short periods of time. Like most of you, personal takes on movies, as with pop songs or music, may reflect an emotion or period you are experiencing; they may take you back to an idealized past or tap into a tumultuous present. These films may help you see the future or they may just block the noise going on around you! But they connect, and whether or not the critics or even your friends agree, they are the flicks that you love!

I loved going to the neighborhood theater in the Bronx with my mother and sister. It was a weekly summer sojourn that shut out the heat, the glaring sun and the daily rituals of life -- sometimes for up to four hours, what with double features, newsreels and cartoons. In the subsequent years, through college, a life in political activism, living on the cultural edge, and evolving tastes in music, art and life, my love of film remained a constant. Some memories fade with age. Some recollections of films seem better fits to their original venue than re-viewing. I know there will be some films I will remember later -- either with embarrassment or shock -- that belong in this collection. But trivia quizzes do share a similarity with movies, if not in the ability to construct sequels, prequels or remakes, then in the ability to construct a personal vision of the past. Here is mine!

Sources include Wikipedia, IMDB,, The Golden Age of Sci Fi Cinema, and other websites, and publications such as Premiere, JumpCut, Radical America and Cineaste. Special thanks to Peter Biskind (Seeing is Believing: How Hollywood Taught Us to Stop Worrying and Love the Fifties, 1983) and J. Hoberman (Village Voice) for their critical writings and reviews and conversations and the insights of my colleagues in the Angry Arts Film Collective and Radical America.

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11 Questions

Rating:  (7.70/9)
Difficulty:  Very Difficult
Taken: 126 times

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Player: Level: % Correct: Time to Complete:
Dale0555 14281.82%    980.11 seconds    
Noirlover 1872.73%    237.47 seconds    
Majorsue 8272.73%    3697.04 seconds    
Ap1957 9063.64%    277.35 seconds    
Kimoira 19563.64%    406.20 seconds    
Losthighway 19054.55%    124.03 seconds    
Dragon 26154.55%    165.57 seconds    
Koufax 19154.55%    276.88 seconds    
Indianhoop 12254.55%    374.52 seconds    
Nando53 19654.55%    893.13 seconds    

Comments (1)
Hacksaw99  (Level: 221.8)
Sat, 26th Dec '15 1:45 PM

Tough but Top Notch!!! Like your cinema sense!

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