The Colors, Man, The Colors
Tuzilla on 04/22/2015
Editor's Award Winner
This quiz has received an Editor's Award for excellent content. Only the most unique and well written quizzes are eligible for this award.
This quiz has received an Editor's Award for excellent content. Only the most unique and well written quizzes are eligible for this award.
The way we, as humans, see color is very different from other critters and things on the planet. Some live in a dull, monochromatic world. Others see far more than we do. See what you know about our colored version of things.
Quiz Leaderboard
Player: | Level: | % Correct: | Time to Complete: | |
1 | Assemblergod | 109 | 100.00% | 262.31 seconds |
2 | Breadmaned | 183 | 100.00% | 288.58 seconds |
3 | Dale0555 | 142 | 100.00% | 374.45 seconds |
4 | Kasba22 | 198 | 100.00% | 900.97 seconds |
5 | Koufax | 191 | 90.00% | 162.56 seconds |
6 | Chender | 187 | 90.00% | 173.21 seconds |
7 | Cjoachim | 181 | 90.00% | 179.30 seconds |
8 | Boysx3 | 105 | 90.00% | 186.40 seconds |
9 | Dleggy | 144 | 90.00% | 197.02 seconds |
10 | Terrymorgan | 149 | 90.00% | 211.58 seconds |
Comments (7)
Deane (Level: 100.5)
Fri, 5th Feb '16 6:04 AM
Great quiz, very interesting!
great quiz........but I only got 2 right! I guess I couldn't see very well.
Amazing! Thanks for the quiz.
Back to science class....congratulations!