The History of Virtual Reality in Entertainment
Billkozy on 10/21/2014
Editor's Award Winner
This quiz has received an Editor's Award for excellent content. Only the most unique and well written quizzes are eligible for this award.
This quiz has received an Editor's Award for excellent content. Only the most unique and well written quizzes are eligible for this award.
Computer scientist Jaron Lanier is credited with popularizing the term "virtual reality" in the early 1980s. He was a pioneer in the field of virtual reality who worked for Atari and then left that company to found the first company to sell virtual reality goggles and gloves; that company was VPL Research, Inc. However, the term "virtual reality" although not popular back then, can be traced back to the 1938 book The Theatre and Its Double by the French playwright/actor/director Antonin Artaud, in which he described theatre as "la réalité virtuelle". Ahh, I can still remember sitting with my parents in 1974 watching the movie "Earthquake" and experiencing "Sensurround" in which movie theatres were equipped with specially designed low-frequency speakers to simulate seismic vibrations during the quake scenes.
Quiz Leaderboard
Player: | Level: | % Correct: | Time to Complete: | |
1 | Allena | 263 | 90.00% | 101.20 seconds |
2 | Boneheadmef | 100 | 80.00% | 183.32 seconds |
3 | Kingjayii | 205 | 70.00% | 150.67 seconds |
4 | Koufax | 205 | 70.00% | 150.91 seconds |
5 | Kasba22 | 209 | 70.00% | 540.22 seconds |
6 | Indianhoop | 134 | 60.00% | 174.54 seconds |
7 | Speedy1928 | 110 | 60.00% | 196.34 seconds |
8 | Nando53 | 210 | 60.00% | 480.05 seconds |
9 | Kateatebate | 236 | 50.00% | 55.08 seconds |
10 | Dleggy | 144 | 50.00% | 110.49 seconds |
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