What Actor or Actress Gave Us These Quotes 3
Redsox9 on 01/01/2016
The third in the series. Just identify the actor or actress originally associated with these well-known movie quotes. Good luck and enjoy.
Quiz Leaderboard
Player: | Level: | % Correct: | Time to Complete: | |
1 | Jgiven22 | 215 | 100.00% | 61.05 seconds |
2 | Larrybus | 301 | 100.00% | 69.11 seconds |
3 | Bumpbailey | 172 | 100.00% | 80.23 seconds |
4 | Kimoira | 195 | 100.00% | 178.11 seconds |
5 | Allena | 250 | 90.00% | 40.47 seconds |
6 | Powerofhoodoo | 31 | 90.00% | 47.57 seconds |
7 | Gerryg | 224 | 90.00% | 48.72 seconds |
8 | Dago991 | 162 | 90.00% | 50.02 seconds |
9 | Crank7 | 101 | 90.00% | 56.01 seconds |
10 | Azimmer | 20 | 90.00% | 56.81 seconds |
Comments (5)
Jomama254 (Level: 34.1)
Tue, 19th Jan '16 2:58 AM
good quiz thanks
great 87
great 87
Only really knew 3 of them. Most of them I couldn't even
tell you the movies their from.
tell you the movies their from.